Now that did sound a tad selfish, but first of all I want to say that I hope my Mom has a very special day because she deserves it. She is the BEST Mom I could ever ask for and has always been there for me! We've been through A LOT and I know that I am the way I am because of my Mom. After everything that happened this last year, especially with her getting diagnosed with cancer, going through chemo, and surgeries, I am SO thankful for her. I will say that last January when I heard that news, I was terrified. I knew in my heart that she would be okay, but hearing the news that something was wrong and then watching her go through all that she had to do was heartbreaking. It really makes you appreciative for what you have when there is a chance that you might lose it. I talk to my Mom all the time and am so glad we live so close so that we can see each other often. She is always the first person I call to ask for advice and when I need someone to talk or vent to. Mom is my best friend. I know a lot of people say that, but mine really is and always will be! I am so thankful also for the kind of mom she is. She is not one of those overbearing, know-it-all moms. She takes things in stride, deals with what she needs to, and gives her opinion when she feels it necessary, but always in a loving, kind way. I think that she has given me some awesome lessons on how to be a good Mom! and she's a great Nonna too!
Now, onto my Mommy's Day....
Let me start off by saying that I am so incredibly blessed to have such a sweet, beautiful, smart, caring little girl. Albrey Michelle has changed my life so much since she was born on September 7, 2008. She is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I don't know how I got so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter. She makes my life so happy with all her cute facial expressions, smiles, kisses, songs, dances, and the hilarious things that come out of her mouth. This past year has been one of the toughest in my life, but everything I did, I did for her. She is the reason that I was able to stay so positive and have peace in my life once again. It makes me sad to see how fast she is growing, but I'm so excited to watch her grow up {although if it wants to take it's sweet time, I won't be saddened}. It's so cliche, but she really is the reason that I want to be a better person. I want to be the best Mommy for her and give her the best life possible.
Last year's Mother's Day was just down right sad for me. I won't get into the details, but it just wasn't good timing for us. This year, I guess it's just not in the cards for me because I'm sick! UGH! But, I've been able to spend a lot of time with Albrey this weekend and that's the best way I could ask to spend my day {or weekend as I keep insisting it is}. I did get a yummy Crab Cakes Benedict for breakfast in bed this morning, which was AMAZING {many kudos Joshie}! So, this Mother's Day will be great after all because I'm spending it the best way I know how to, with the people who love me! I'm so very blessed and I hope the rest of you Mommies out there have a wonderful day as well!
HAPPY MOMMY'S DAY! {I love to hear my sweet Bre say Mommy}