LOTS has changed for me in the past 12 months, some good, some bad, most NECESSARY! Let's go ahead and get on with the elephant in the room, yes, Zach and I are divorcing. It's actually been going on since early Spring. It's been a LONG, HARD road and it's been really ROUGH! It is almost final, just waiting on some paperwork to be finalized by the judge. No, I will NOT go into details to spare all 3 parties (mainly for Albrey's sake). Yes, it was the hardest thing I have ever done/will do/will have to live with. I know most have already made their judgements, and go ahead, although, God is the only judge that I am truly concerned about, but he knows the truth! I know people will judge because I have to admit, I used to be very judgemental although I didn't realize it at the time, and sadly I hurt a lot of people along the way, which I really regret. It's funny how when you feel like you are doing the so-called "right" things, you are falsely empowered with this authority to talk about how "bad" other people are. It's sad bc you forget about how "bad" you might have been in the past. Newsflash people::: you can say you are holding people accountable (sounds much better, right?), but if you are talking behind their backs instead of TO them, you aren't holding anyone accountable - you are gossiping! Moral of the story - Don't judge because you NEVER know what people are going through! I know that I never will again bc it's so frustrating when I know people are talking about me and they haven't even so much as talked to me and the have NO idea what the details are. So anyways, that has led to lots of other changes in my life as well....
Let's talk about the good, no GREAT....
So, the last post happened right after finding out about my Mom's diagnosis of breast cancer, and I am so absolutely THRILLED to report that she is now CANCER FREE - WOO HOO! (Definitely shout worthy) and if you just got chills....you're welcome :) Yes, she had to go through several tough months of chemotherapy and the loss of her gorgeous hair, but in July, she underwent an elected bi-lateral double mastectomy. About a week after the surgery, the doctor called to report that all her scans were clear and there were NO signs of cancer left....PTL!!!!! Now, she has just undergone another...ahem....surgery, and I must say, I think she's gonna be ALRIGHT! ;) Her hair is growing, and I must admit, it is really cute (even though she will disagree). So, that is one of the best things that has happened lately, and probably will be for the rest of my life!
Another big change.....brace yourself...
I dyed my hair (well not me, I had some help from friends, 2 applications to be exact bc my hair is so stinkin' dark!). Yes, I'm now a redhead! {gasp, I know} This hair hasn't been touched by color in over 6 years people, this is a BIG DEAL! I like it, I've had mixed reviews, but to my naysayers I say, I don't care, I needed a positive life change and this one wasn't as drastic as some others I could've come up with! I think it's fun! As my friend Laurelyn says, "If you can't change your life, change your hair." So, I did....here ya go...
My Mom maintains that she likes my hair dark because she says it makes me look more "exotic"! Ha, yeah, that is until I open my mouth and this mildly tainted Southern accent comes flyin' out! But, she is my Mom after all so she's supposed to say things like that, right?!
Some other good news.....
Albrey is 2!!!!! Wow, did I really just label that as a "good" thing?! Funny because right at this very instant, she is throwing one of her daily "terrible 2" tantrums! The trigger tonight.....I go into the garage to grab something for 2 seconds, she sees an outdoor toy, I say okay you can bring it in, she sees another, I say okay, she sees a frisbee, I say no. Cut to Albrey - absolute SCREAMING fit, like I'm talking laid out in the kitchen floor on her knees will not move screaming for 5-minutes-straight-now fit.
Okay, I just got her, calmed her down with animal crackers and Yo Gabba Gabba.... If someone can please clue me into this 2 year old screaming/crying logic, let me know......I'm willing to pay BIG!!!! But, yes, she is still my princess and I love her more than life!
One last goodie....
One of my besties, Kendra, the girl next door :) that also teaches 3rd grade with me, and I started grad school! Yay!!!! We started this summer with 2 classes, and we are almost done with our 4th now! Our goal is to graduate next December with our Master's degrees.....wish us luck!
So, that pretty much sums up the MAJOR life events. Amid all the chaos that is currently my life, I can truly say that I am happy. There are several reasons for that :) I can't wait to post more later! I'm going to attempt to do a better job of blogging, since I have so much free time and all :) Happy Thanksgiving btw!!!! Be thankful - SERIOUSLY, you could have my life :) All kidding aside, my life is still very blessed!
Until next time.....
Peace and love,
*Kim {berly}*