Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mommy's Day!

I remember growing up wanting to always make sure my Mom's Mother's Day was special. I always wanted her to have a great day and get her a really good gift. Now that this is my third Mother's Day as a mommy myself, it's a funny position. You still want Mother's Day to be very special for your own Mom, but you want to enjoy it as well.

Now that did sound a tad selfish, but first of all I want to say that I hope my Mom has a very special day because she deserves it. She is the BEST Mom I could ever ask for and has always been there for me! We've been through A LOT and I know that I am the way I am because of my Mom. After everything that happened this last year, especially with her getting diagnosed with cancer, going through chemo, and surgeries, I am SO thankful for her. I will say that last January when I heard that news, I was terrified. I knew in my heart that she would be okay, but hearing the news that something was wrong and then watching her go through all that she had to do was heartbreaking. It really makes you appreciative for what you have when there is a chance that you might lose it. I talk to my Mom all the time and am so glad we live so close so that we can see each other often. She is always the first person I call to ask for advice and when I need someone to talk or vent to. Mom is my best friend. I know a lot of people say that, but mine really is and always will be! I am so thankful also for the kind of mom she is. She is not one of those overbearing, know-it-all moms. She takes things in stride, deals with what she needs to, and gives her opinion when she feels it necessary, but always in a loving, kind way. I think that she has given me some awesome lessons on how to be a good Mom! and she's a great Nonna too!

Now, onto my Mommy's Day....

Let me start off by saying that I am so incredibly blessed to have such a sweet, beautiful, smart, caring little girl. Albrey Michelle has changed my life so much since she was born on September 7, 2008. She is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I don't know how I got so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter. She makes my life so happy with all her cute facial expressions, smiles, kisses, songs, dances, and the hilarious things that come out of her mouth. This past year has been one of the toughest in my life, but everything I did, I did for her. She is the reason that I was able to stay so positive and have peace in my life once again. It makes me sad to see how fast she is growing, but I'm so excited to watch her grow up {although if it wants to take it's sweet time, I won't be saddened}. It's so cliche, but she really is the reason that I want to be a better person. I want to be the best Mommy for her and give her the best life possible.

Last year's Mother's Day was just down right sad for me. I won't get into the details, but it just wasn't good timing for us. This year, I guess it's just not in the cards for me because I'm sick! UGH! But, I've been able to spend a lot of time with Albrey this weekend and that's the best way I could ask to spend my day {or weekend as I keep insisting it is}. I did get a yummy Crab Cakes Benedict for breakfast in bed this morning, which was AMAZING {many kudos Joshie}! So, this Mother's Day will be great after all because I'm spending it the best way I know how to, with the people who love me! I'm so very blessed and I hope the rest of you Mommies out there have a wonderful day as well!

HAPPY MOMMY'S DAY! {I love to hear my sweet Bre say Mommy}

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Truth, trustworthiness, honesty......these are but a few virtues that i cling to and regard as being very important in relationships, whether it be relationships with friends, family members, co-workers, and especially in significant others. I know that I have been deceived so much in the past and that is why I value these traits so much in others.

One thing that has really made me rather ill lately is people who claim to also value these virtues are not following their own advice. Anyone can google motivational quotes and stick them as their fb statuses.....but it takes real guts to not only speak the truth, but to live it! I have found it rather odd, and others should to, that the first people who claim to hold the truth and quote scripture by saying "the truth shall set you free" will be the ones who are dishonest, that you catch in a lie.

Lying is so selfish, it's an act of self-preservation in which you do not spare another's feelings. It all comes out in the end and most of the time, the innocent ones are the ones who suffer the most, sadly. Lying, being dishonest, and deceitful are some of the ugliest traits I've ever seen on a person.....and it all comes back in the end. I will continue to strive for the truth to protect those dearest to me, however, i am decent enough not to tell the truth just to spite someone.

I am so very thankful for all the honest people in my life! I love my family and my close friends that I can trust. I'm so lucky to have filtered out the negative people in my life and to surround myself with positive people. Their honesty makes them beautiful and those are the relationships I value, and will continue to value, always!

So, obviously, yes, I am in a mood to vent a little and I feel much better now!
Thanks for reading, and strive for the truth....teach your children to do so as well.....I know I am :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Change is Gonna Come....

So, now that it has been ALMOST a year since I last blogged, here goes the attempt at an update.....

LOTS has changed for me in the past 12 months, some good, some bad, most NECESSARY! Let's go ahead and get on with the elephant in the room, yes, Zach and I are divorcing. It's actually been going on since early Spring. It's been a LONG, HARD road and it's been really ROUGH! It is almost final, just waiting on some paperwork to be finalized by the judge. No, I will NOT go into details to spare all 3 parties (mainly for Albrey's sake). Yes, it was the hardest thing I have ever done/will do/will have to live with. I know most have already made their judgements, and go ahead, although, God is the only judge that I am truly concerned about, but he knows the truth! I know people will judge because I have to admit, I used to be very judgemental although I didn't realize it at the time, and sadly I hurt a lot of people along the way, which I really regret. It's funny how when you feel like you are doing the so-called "right" things, you are falsely empowered with this authority to talk about how "bad" other people are. It's sad bc you forget about how "bad" you might have been in the past. Newsflash people::: you can say you are holding people accountable (sounds much better, right?), but if you are talking behind their backs instead of TO them, you aren't holding anyone accountable - you are gossiping! Moral of the story - Don't judge because you NEVER know what people are going through! I know that I never will again bc it's so frustrating when I know people are talking about me and they haven't even so much as talked to me and the have NO idea what the details are. So anyways, that has led to lots of other changes in my life as well....

Let's talk about the good, no GREAT....

So, the last post happened right after finding out about my Mom's diagnosis of breast cancer, and I am so absolutely THRILLED to report that she is now CANCER FREE - WOO HOO! (Definitely shout worthy) and if you just got're welcome :) Yes, she had to go through several tough months of chemotherapy and the loss of her gorgeous hair, but in July, she underwent an elected bi-lateral double mastectomy. About a week after the surgery, the doctor called to report that all her scans were clear and there were NO signs of cancer left....PTL!!!!! Now, she has just undergone, and I must say, I think she's gonna be ALRIGHT! ;) Her hair is growing, and I must admit, it is really cute (even though she will disagree). So, that is one of the best things that has happened lately, and probably will be for the rest of my life!

Another big change.....brace yourself...

I dyed my hair (well not me, I had some help from friends, 2 applications to be exact bc my hair is so stinkin' dark!). Yes, I'm now a redhead! {gasp, I know} This hair hasn't been touched by color in over 6 years people, this is a BIG DEAL! I like it, I've had mixed reviews, but to my naysayers I say, I don't care, I needed a positive life change and this one wasn't as drastic as some others I could've come up with! I think it's fun! As my friend Laurelyn says, "If you can't change your life, change your hair." So, I ya go...

My Mom maintains that she likes my hair dark because she says it makes me look more "exotic"! Ha, yeah, that is until I open my mouth and this mildly tainted Southern accent comes flyin' out! But, she is my Mom after all so she's supposed to say things like that, right?!

Some other good news.....

Albrey is 2!!!!! Wow, did I really just label that as a "good" thing?! Funny because right at this very instant, she is throwing one of her daily "terrible 2" tantrums! The trigger tonight.....I go into the garage to grab something for 2 seconds, she sees an outdoor toy, I say okay you can bring it in, she sees another, I say okay, she sees a frisbee, I say no. Cut to Albrey - absolute SCREAMING fit, like I'm talking laid out in the kitchen floor on her knees will not move screaming for 5-minutes-straight-now fit.

Okay, I just got her, calmed her down with animal crackers and Yo Gabba Gabba.... If someone can please clue me into this 2 year old screaming/crying logic, let me know......I'm willing to pay BIG!!!! But, yes, she is still my princess and I love her more than life!

One last goodie....

One of my besties, Kendra, the girl next door :) that also teaches 3rd grade with me, and I started grad school! Yay!!!! We started this summer with 2 classes, and we are almost done with our 4th now! Our goal is to graduate next December with our Master's degrees.....wish us luck!

So, that pretty much sums up the MAJOR life events. Amid all the chaos that is currently my life, I can truly say that I am happy. There are several reasons for that :) I can't wait to post more later! I'm going to attempt to do a better job of blogging, since I have so much free time and all :) Happy Thanksgiving btw!!!! Be thankful - SERIOUSLY, you could have my life :) All kidding aside, my life is still very blessed!

Until next time.....

Peace and love,

*Kim {berly}*

Friday, January 29, 2010


If I had to sum up most of what I've been doing this week it would have to be shedding tears. This week has just been SO trying and there have been several times that I've felt that I might just fail the test. BUT, I do know that the Lord will NOT give us more than we can handle...although he obviously feels that I can handle a lot.

I don't know if many people actually read what I write, but mostly I am using this as an outlet so that I don't explode and as a journal to remember my thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Okay, so here goes.....
1st bad event this week - finding out that my best friend, my Mom, has breast cancer

Wow....that was so hard to write, it's so hard to hear, and especially hard to say. I just can't in my mind conceive that my Mom is sick. I have never experienced this level of sadness where I am in a constant state of shock, worry, grief, misery, and a tiny bit of hoping. My Mom is everything to me. She is my shoulder, my listener, my counselor, my amigo, and most importantly my HERO! Tears are just rolling right now as I type bc the emotions are so raw and need I say, "fresh". The cliche is so true that you take everything for granted until it happens to you and you never ever think that it will. Now, please don't take this as me having a pity party for myself, bc it is SO NOT that. I'm just hurting and aching for my precious Mom as she gears up for this battle. I've had so many good-hearted people telling me that everything is going to be fine and in my mind I have faith that it WILL be. However, I don't want her to suffer one bit and that's what hurts the most. I don't have all the news on what is going on but I do know that her form is aggressive and that her doctor said that they are going to be aggressive about it {which I am glad about}. I also know that they will do surgery, but it might be a while {few months or so} before it happens. The first thing that they are going to do is chemotherapy {another really hard word to type, hear, and say}. This is what I'm most anxious for her about. She will most likely have to do chemo alot, then surgery, and later daily radiation afterwards. All I know of my Mom is her being happy, healthy, beautiful, and full of life and I know that she will still be all of those things. I just pray that she will be strong, which she always has been. So, after writing all of this, the main reason that I am writing is not for pity for my Mom or me, but for PRAYERS! Please please please PRAY! I love my Mom so much and I know God loves her too and will take care of her!

3 sweet girl and my hero

2nd bad thing - job related

Can't really discuss it bc I don't want to get in trouble at work....let's just say it's been really stressful at work and I thank the good Lord for Kendra and Shannon. I think we all balance each other out pretty well {most of the time :)} and thank goodness bc we've had a lot to try to balance lately!

3rd bad thing - my cousin, Kody passes away at age 19

So sad. I wasn't very close with my cousin, but he still was my cousin. My heart goes out to his sister Britnee and his mom Laura {who I call my Lulu}. Kody actually passed away earlier this week, but he lived in Missouri, so I didn't find out until today. I remember when Kody was born, I was 5 at the time. He was born with a major heart defect and has undergone NUMEROUS surgeries in his short life. He waited on a heart transplant list for a long time before finally receiving a new heart. PTL! I hate that I wasn't actually close to him, but bc he lived so far away I only heard about him every now and then from Lulu {who loves him so much}. My heart just aches for my Lulu. She is so special to me. She and my Mom are actually first cousins and grew up like best friends. My grandma, Grandma Glover, is her aunt but is more like her second Mom. I have always appreciated that about Lulu. My Mom has been pretty much the only one to take care of my grandma, but Lulu has always reached out to help with her as well. This summer when we were at the hospital for a straight week, Lulu made just about every visiting hour with us. I'm so sorry for her loss, so once again, please PRAY for my family and my Lulu.

My cousin, Kody Jordan

I hope that this blog has not depressed anyone who has read it. Please know that although the storms may rise, we serve a risen Savior who is always here to watch over and protect us. He knows our deepest hurt and hurts like we do. Our God knows pain. Imagine his hurt when he sent his perfect Son who came into the world and did no wrong, but died a horrible death on the cross so that WE, sinners who are so undeserving, may be saved and have everlasting life! I am always reminded of my favorite song by Casting Crowns, "I'll Praise You in this Storm", when I am experiencing difficult times like now. It's so hard to do, but one of the most powerful things that my Mom said this week after sharing her news with me was that she was NOT worried and that she's saved so there's nothing for her to fear! WOW, to have faith like that! Here I am wanting to curl up in a little ball and just cry for days about this news and the one who actually has to face the battle is telling me she's not worried because she knows that she is saved and if anything happens to her, she knows where she is going. Are you that bold? Am I that bold? This is powerful stuff, but it's so true! So please don't be discouraged if you've read my blog, be encouraged because it WILL be okay! And, please remind me of these same words that I have typed when I need it, because I know there will be trying days ahead. I LOVE my Mom, my family, and my God. Please continue to pray and if I can pray for you, please let me know!


Kim {berly} :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Goodbye 2009

2009 is over and wow what a year it has been! It's been really interesting to see how much Albrey has grown and changed from a bitty baby to a toddler. I just look at her now and keep thinking, she is a little person! It makes me sad in a lot of ways because of how busy I've been and how much time I have spent away from her, but I'm trying to not dwell on those feelings as much as I have anymore. I've somewhat made a decision {not resolution, I HATE New Year's resolutions~they just don't usually stick for most} to have a better outlook on life and to stop dwelling on being sad so often. I prayed for the things that I've received in my life and God has blessed me so much, therefore, I need to stop getting upset with the blessings that he's given me. So, please hold me accountable if I start having a pity party again! But, no promises that I won't every now and then! :) However, I see no apararent changes coming anytime soon, so I'm just going to try and have a positive attitude!

It has been quite a while since I've posted anything so let me try to recap our Christmas....

The Sunday before Christmas was spent with Zach's extended side of the family a.k.a. the "Lawson Family" Christmas. We celebrated at Shannon & LeighAnn Fortner's B-E-A-U-TIFUL home in Guntersville {some of you may recognize the name, he used to be a Mortgage Broker for Countrywide but now has a new company}. We ate Italian, a welcome change from the norm Christmas dinner, and had a great time visiting with family. Since the family is so large, we exchange names only for the kids and they exchanged presents! Albrey got an awesome little tea set, which she absolutely loves. She LOVES to share her tea with Mommy and Daddy!

the Christmas fairy with her teacups

On Christmas Eve, we went to my in-laws house for our Christmas with them. We ate breakfast for dinner, which was mighty yummy thanks to the wonderful cook, Darlene a.k.a. Nana. Of course, they spoiled us with LOTS of presents {even though they always say every year that it's not going to be much}! We had a great time with them and Albrey loved all the clothes she got and toys, like a broom, mailbox, giraffe bike, corn popper, and more that I can't remember at the moment! However, her most favorite thing ever was the tissue paper! She wanted to rip it all up into the tiniest shreds for her entertainment, so of course we let her. Zach and I also racked up with clothes, jewelry for me, and a brown suede jacket for Zach.

Albrey w/ her tissue paper

Mommy and Daddy {NOT Santa :)} set up all of Albrey's toys for her to wake up to on Christmas morning and we were SO excited for her to see her things, especially her tent! We did go a little overboard, but it's just because she was so good this year! Anyways, we normally let her make a little noise for a while in her crib, not crying - just noise, before we go get her in the mornings. But, we were so excited on Christmas morning that we literally jumped out of bed at the first peep she made to get her up! :) We got the video and regular camera out and got ready to catch one of her wonderful expressions that she makes as she saw her loot. As soon as that little fuzz head came around the corner, she looked, and NOTHING.....I mean NOTHING! I could tell Daddy especially was disappointed so I tried to take her over and let her look close up at everything and still NOTHING! See...

And this is what she saw...

All she wanted was breakfast...can you believe that?!?....well if you look at the size of her belly, you probably could buy that! So, we had a breakfast break and then she got more excited! She got all kinds of clothes and Wiggles movies, a new Bama paci, her tent, a Little People ride-on Princess car, a PBkids chair {green polka dot w/ her name on it} and her Dora tent. Her fave gift.....the chair...she just loves to sit on it, have a snack, and watch TV {hmmm.....sounds familiar, like her Daddy}.

Alb in her chair

Told ya....Daddy and Alb in his chair

Zachory really spoiled me this year! We agreed that the living room set would be our gift to each other which we went to Akins Furniture in Dogtown to find. You can find pics of our goodies on HAVE TO check out the zebra chest that I got! However, Zachory, being the sneak that he is, kept shopping for me and getting me other things, so I had to get him some extras too, like a black suede jacket (if you're keeping count that makes 2 jackets). We definitely had the BEST Christmas that we've ever had this year!!!!

Later on that day, my fam came over for Christmas lunch, which was non-traditional, much to my step-dad's chagrin. We had chili, hashbrown casserole, and other finger foods. I also made sugar-free banana pudding for Zach, and I did remember the bananas this time! ;) We opened even MORE presents from Nonna and Pop! Albrey of course racked up with more clothes and toys. Mommy and Daddy got a fondue pot, clothes, and some BAMA gear. Zach also got another black jacket!!! So that makes 3 total jackets for him....let me explain....

My lovely husband in the wonderful profession he works in has to dress up for we're talking shirt/tie/the whole deal. However, in winter, to top off his outfit and keep him warm of course, he wears......a hoodie....YES, that's right, I said a HOODIE! Think gray sweatshirt material BAMA hoodie, over a SHIRT & TIE!!!! So, needless to say, the Mom's and wife decided NO MORE HOODIES to wear to work, We got him some nice jackets, although he did end up taking 1 back since we went a little overboard!

Also, on Christmas day, my Mom, Chris, Ashley, and I went to visit Grandma G. {look back to the Thanksgiving pics to see who I'm talking about}. She was in the BEST mood and was pretty mentally alert/aware, which is sadly not usually the case. For instance, she looked over at Ashley's sweatshirt and said, "Is that Auburn?" and we told her it was {she only wears Auburn b/c she likes orange....I'm not kidding}. So, then she says, "Oh no, we like ROLL TIDE!" Now if that's not Grandma in her right mind, I don't know what is! It was definitely the best part of Christmas in my book. :) To top off the night, my stepbro~Christopher, spent the night with us so that he and Zach could play video games! Cute, right? It was a good old fashioned middle school sleepover! ;)

So, I'm still not done w/ Christmas.....

The next day we went to Hartselle to Zach's Uncle Barry & Aunt Amy's house to celebrate the "Standridge" family Christmas w/ his parents, Grandmother, and cousins Breanna, Cameron, Hunter, Carrington, and Sam {who is Cameron's gf}. We ate a traditional yum-O Christmas meal and opened gifts {Albrey got her first American Girl doll~thanks Amy!}. We had a great time, but you could tell that we were all so pooped from celebrating Christmas so many times already! But, we always enjoy hanging out with Amy & Barry and family!

the "kids" :) LOVE them!

We had a WONDERFUL time celebrating Christmas with our family many times {namely 4}! :) And most importantly, we did keep in mind the reason for the season which is Jesus Christ's birth. For that, we are forever thankful and grateful to our Father in Heaven for giving us such a wonderful gift. That is the reason that we spend time with family and give gifts to show our love and appreciation for everyone! We hope that you and yours had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Everytime someone asks me how I've been my answer is always simply, "busy". I feel like I haven't had a second to myself or my family in quite some time. I calculated that just this week, I have worked around 55 hours and mind you....I'm not a doctor or lawyer, just an elementary school teacher and cheer coach! The next time someone tells me that I have the perfect "family job", I think I may just donkey punch them! People that don't teach really have NO CLUE what it's like. Yeah, yeah, I know you may be thinking oh hush, you have the summers off...blah,blah,blah! BUT, what other job do you know that you often have to take home with you {when I get done with this, I have to input grades}. You don't get to clock out at a certain time everyday. It's just when you get your work done, which often includes LOTS of late days. If you/your child is sick or you can't be there, you have to go up to the school and make sub plans (which take at LEAST 1 hour) and someone has to line up the sub for you and lots of times you have obligations on that day, which makes you feel guilty as well or just makes it impossible to do! It's just really frustrating at times, especially when you have weeks like I've had lately where I've probably seen my daughter about 5 hours total for the week. No exaggeration! It's been something!

Monday night - ballgames after school @ Randolph, got home 10 p.m. {Albrey was asleep-didn't see her that day}
Tuesday - she got sick w/ the croup, so I had to leave a meeting and pick her up from Lindsey to take her to the dr., but she slept pretty much the whole day so I didn't really see her much at all! Wednesday - meeting after school - picked her up from Mom and she fell asleep early from being exhausted...I probably saw her 1 hour that night
Thursday - ballgames @ New Hope, got home 10 p.m. {Albrey::asleep-didn't see her that day}
Friday - Zach's Christmas party - saw Albrey for 1 hour once I picked her up from Lindsey & Jeff before dropping her off at Mom's
Saturday {today} - Zach got her from Mom's and then an hour later I had to leave and go to the New Market Christmas Parade for cheerleading/basketball float
*On a positive note-We did finish about 90% of our Christmas shopping this afternoon and we all went together!! Then, we went to her Nana & Pop's {Zach's parents} to visit & watched Mark Ingram win the Heisman!!!! So proud!

But, do you see my quandry....I'm so tired of always missing my family! I miss my little girl so much and I just feel like I am missing so much of her life! I feel like NO ONE understands what I'm going through. I'm sure someone out there does, it just doesn't seem like it!
I'm ready for things to slow down a bit, no make that ALOT so that I can enjoy life....right now I just feel like I'm rushing through it. I feel like I'm living a single girl's life because I'm NEVER home and I never get to relax and spend time with the people in my life who are the most important! Okay, so if you haven't noticed I'm venting/complaining.....SORRY! Sometimes though, I feel that if I don't let it out I will just there it was!

Now let me spend just a little time on a different note praising my bestie!!!! I'm very blessed to know some great people in my life and I have a very small number of really close friends. One that has taken the cake this week is LINDSEY!!!!! She has been such a HUGE blessing in my life! She's always been so wonderful, but she has really helped out so much lately! You see, my mother-in-law used to keep Albrey for us, but she had to have back surgery a week ago which has her unable to lift things, especially my chunk, for at least 6 weeks. So, my bestie Lindsey agreed to keep Albrey for us during this time. Lindsey keeps her at home with her for the most part with her 2 girls Avery and Hannah, but takes her to MDO where she works on Tue, Wed, Thur. Well, this week when Albrey got sick I had NO CLUE what I was gonna do b/c the dr. said that Alb shouldn't go to MDO and I had something everyday that I had to do at work so I couldn't take off, plus Zach can't get off since he just started a new job! Unfortunately, Avery {Lindsey's 4 yr. old} was also sick so they had to stay home as well, but L offered to keep Alb with them too. My mom also helped out by taking off on Thursday to keep Albrey so that Lindsey could have a break....she had 2 out of 3 kids on steroids...the girl needed a break! So, L has been a MVP this week by keeping my baby even though she was sick!

However, one thing that's not so great, is that Avery is pretty sick right now. She has asthma and it's really bothering her. She has been hospitalized for her asthma a few times and even in the ICU....keep in mind the girl is only 4 years old {almost 5}! The last time was in September, she didn't even get to come to Alb's b-day party which was so sad! The poor thing, she is such a fighter, but that asthma is just so tough. Right now, she is fighting through, but I know how scared Jeff and Lindsey are b/c they know if she goes downhill she will have to go to the hospital. So, the whole reason that I am posting this is to ask for prayers for Ave! She is just precious and she is truly part of my family! We just want to see her get better right away! So please PRAY for AVE and lift up her AWESOME parents, Lindsey and Jeff!!!! I know it will mean so much to them! Love you Linds....hope I didn't make you cry by talking about Ave, but if I's my shoulder....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

SEC Weekend...Snow and More

This weekend was jam packed for the Finey's! First, on Friday to kick start the weekend, I was privileged enough to spend my night co-sponsoring/chaperoning our middle school Homecoming dance! Yay! Can I just say....7th and 8th graders are up to way more than we were at that age...WOW. It makes me really scared for what it will be like when my baby gets older! So, Friday night was pretty much shot!

Saturday however, was much better! We woke up to SNOW! Yes, our first SNOW in Alabama for this year! :) We were so excited and couldn't wait to take Albrey outside to play in the snow. I knew that it wouldn't last long so we got her all bundled up to get ready to play and take some pics! Well, as soon as we got outside, for some reason Albrey's boots were NOT cooperating and she couldn't walk in them. So, we did manage a couple of pics of her just standing in the snow and attempting to walk.....

Sadly, right after this shot Albrey fell face first into the snow. Not just a drop to the knee and fall over kind of fall, but a face first plunge and ate it kind of fall! She just froze and we kind of waited to see if she would get up, but after she didn't move I went to pick her up and she threw a fit! After crying for a bit, she pointed right at the snow and said, "NO, NO MA'AM SNOW!!" She had enough! We tried for a few more pics, but she would only let us hold her in them and I will not share them because I was looking a bit rough after just waking up! :) Needless to say, Albrey was SO OVER the snow so we went inside to get ready for some Christmas shopping!!!

I couldn't believe Zach was actually willing to brave the NEACA craft show with me, but he did! {He and Albrey did find a naptime spot though while I braved the crowds alone}. Afterwards, we did some Toys R Us shopping for the princess! She is really going to rack up this year! We knew that this year would be exciting because she would actually understand a little of what is going on and would enjoy her new things, so yes we did go a little overboard! I'll share pics after Christmas, I wouldn't want anyone to tell Albrey what we got her! ;) And yes people I said what WE got her! We don't do Santa...we have our own personal reasons. If you want to know ask, but I won't share them on here because I don't want to be attacked {as we already have been by some} for what we believe and I don't want to offend the vast majority that do Santa! We just have our own personal reasons, just like others who do the whole Santa thing!

So anywho, the next part of the day was the SEC Championship game and we all know what happened but I'm still so excited to scream....WE ARE the SEC Champs and are headed to Cali!!!! I'm so proud to be an Alabama fan, always have been always will be! Other people who want to say RTR, but aren't true BAMA fans make me want to SCREAM! If you haven't said RT your whole life, you don't deserve to say it now just due to our current status!

Now onto Sunday....Albrey had a rough night with some stomach issues and woke up feeling better, but we didn't want to risk it and expose others if she did have something, so we stayed home from church. Especially since we had Nursery this morning! I'm glad we did stay home because she started feeling bad again this time with stuffy nose/congestion/coughing stuff...but no fever! I think she just may be having overall congestion/crud issues so I'm hoping it's nothing major and I really don't feel that it is! Especially after her dessert tonight.....

Yes, that's right she shared some hot fudge brownie w/ice cream with her Mommy and Daddy! So far so good! Sweets always cure everything! Her chocolate face was so cute....

I hated to have to miss church today, but I really did enjoy my lazy Sunday of just laying around the house with the fam! I NEVER get to do that so it was really nice! And can I just say {again} that I LOVE being Albrey's mom! It's the best thing ever! I wish I could just freeze this moment in time with her...15 months is a great age! I love everything about that girl! Hope you and yours had a great weekend as we to bible study! {at home}